Friday 26th May 2023
    Difficulty: Very easy

    Poverty in the USA (Quiz #189)

    Photo by <a href="">Joshua Lanzarini</a>
    Photo by Joshua Lanzarini (Unsplash)

    Questions inspired by the Observer article "Matthew Desmond: ‘The poverty rate in America and the UK should be zero – and I think we can get there’", by Tim Adams.

    1. If America's poor founded a country it would have a bigger population than...?

    2. How many Americans don’t have running water or a flushing toilet at home?

    3. According to the article, the annual cost of taking those millions of people in America who are living below the poverty line (i.e. without a secure roof over their head, or enough to eat, or keep warm, or access to healthcare) and getting them above it, would be $177bn. How many of these statements about that figure are true?
    - It is less than 1% of the USA's GDP
    - Americans throw away more than that amount of food each year
    - If the top 1% paid just the taxes they owe, it would close the $177bn gap at a stroke
    - it would benefit everyone, not just the poor
    - it would increase opportunity and create a far more educated workforce

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