Wednesday 11th October 2023
    Difficulty: Medium

    New York City (Quiz #327)

    Part of the scale model of New York City, which can be viewed at the Queen
    Part of the scale model of New York City, which can be viewed at the Queen's Museum. (Creative Commons)

    1. New York City comprises five boroughs, each of which is coextensive with a corresponding county. For example, the borough of Queens is coextensive with Queens County. Which borough is coextensive with Kings County?

    2. What type of New York City vehicle travels 180 miles in an average shift?

    3. The High Line is a park created on a former elevated rail line on the west side of Manhattan. It receives around 8 million visitors a year. How many of the following are not allowed on the High Line?
    - Bicycles
    - Dogs
    - Smoking

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